cracking the santana code in dharma

Posted on October 30, 2023 in opinion • 1 min read

When we hear the word Dharma, it is often translated as 'duty' or 'righteousness.' However, I argue that to truly grasp the concept of Dharma, one must understand the word 'Sanatana' which means timeless or eternal. Sanatana Dharma represents a way of life and a moral code that transcends the boundaries of time, politics, and religion.

The eternal aspect of Sanatana Dharma has played a pivotal role in Hinduism's ability to adapt and evolve over thousands of years. This adaptability has allowed Hinduism to absorb new ideas and practices while preserving its core principles. It is this inherent flexibility that has kept Hinduism relevant and ensured its survival throughout history.

Furthermore, it is important to note that Sanatana Dharma is not confined to Hinduism alone but has universal significance. It can be seen as a philosophy that transcends religious boundaries, promoting harmony and respect among different communities.

By recognizing the 'Sanatana' element within Dharma, we can appreciate its deeper meaning and potential to foster peace and coexistence. Therefore, it is essential to promote a broader understanding of Dharma as a timeless and universal concept.
