quantum computing

Posted on September 19, 2023 in thoughts • 3 min read

In the last few months I am intrigued with the concept of quantum computing, it has emerged as one of the most promising and revolutionary technologies of our time.

While traditional computing relies on bits that can represent either a 0 or a 1, quantum computing leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to harness quantum bits, or qubits, which can exist in multiple states simultaneously.

Understanding Quantum Computing

To comprehend the potential of quantum computing, let's first delve into the fundamental concepts behind it. Quantum mechanics describes the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic levels. These principles, such as superposition and entanglement, form the basis of quantum computing.

Superposition refers to the ability of quantum particles, such as electrons or photons, to exist in multiple states or locations simultaneously.

In classical physics, objects are either in one state or another. However, in quantum mechanics, particles can exist in a superposition of several possible states, known as quantum states. These quantum states are represented by wavefunctions, which contain all the information about the particle's possible states. When the particle is observed or measured, its wavefunction collapses into one specific state, and the particle is found to be in that particular state. A good correlation to understand superposition is the Schrodinger's cat experiment - "you do not know the state of the cat until you open the box."

The superposition principle allows quantum computers to have exponential computing power as compared to traditional computers and optimize multiple solutions at once.

Entanglement is a powerful and unusual characteristic of quantum systems, it involves the strong correlation between two or more quantum particles, even when they are physically separated.

When particles are entangled, their quantum states become linked, so that the state of one particle is directly dependent on the state of the other(s), regardless of the distance between them. This correlation persists even if the entangled particles are light-years apart. As a result, changes made to one particle's state instantaneously affect the state of the other, irrespective of the distance between them. This phenomenon is famously referred to as "spooky action at a distance," as described by Albert Einstein.

The entangled particles can effectively communicate and transmit information instantaneously, which holds potential for fast and secure communication systems.

Architecture and Processing Power

The biggest advantage of quantum computing is it's processing power. Here is a quick comparison of traditional and quantum computing processing power.

  • Traditional computing: Traditional computing operates on a sequential, deterministic model in which each operation is performed one at a time. It generally solves problems using a linear sequence of instructions, limiting its parallel processing capabilities.
  • Quantum computing: Quantum computing harnesses the power of quantum parallelism, allowing qubits to exist in multiple states simultaneously. This enables computations to be performed simultaneously across a large number of possibilities, potentially providing exponential speedup for certain problems.

It's important to note that while quantum computing has the potential for remarkable speedup for certain problems, quantum computing is not a replacement for standard computing. Both paradigms will likely coexist, with quantum computing complementing standard computing in solving complex problems.

These are my first thoughts and learnings on quantum computing, it sure is an interesting area to explore, I will keep sharing my thoughts on this as I learn more of this very interesting topic!
